Le dosage, notre métier

Complete Lines

Dosers & peripherals

Our engineers, experts in the field both nationally and internationally, bring a wealth of experience in a variety of dosing processes. Thanks to their mobility, they can develop customized dosing processes according to your specifications, guaranteeing accurate dosing and compliance with strict sanitary standards. We integrate solutions such as lobe dosers, piston dosers and bag dosers, as well as multi-axis robots, unstackers and other suitable peripherals. Our systems are suitable for a wide range of products, including robotic lines for lasagne, cannelloni, shepherd’s pie, fish terrines, cod brandade, and petfood.


  • Custom-designed to your specifications.
  • Integration of advanced technologies :
    • Lobe feeders.
    • Piston dosers.
    • Bag feeders.
    • Multi-axis robots.
  • Compliance with dose specifications and product characteristics.
  • Solutions for demanding sanitary environments.
  • Integration of innovative peripherals and automation.

Produits dosés

  • Suitable for all types of pumpable products, whatever their consistency or viscosity

Nos autres doseuses